Images of November : in southwest France

November is as beautiful as always. Treeleaf has turned, now falling rapidly, but temperate weather encourages flowers to bloom. We have collected a few apples, almonds, and cobnuts. Squash ripens in le jardin ‘potager’, waiting to be, ‘put in the pot’. The stove is lit, and warms the thick stone walls. This is how we prepare for winter.

Once farmers used every piece of land productively. They grew apple trees along vineyard verges. But no one collects the apples now. They ripen and fall, food for the insects, anyhow.

The sky falls in,
from the big oak tree,
there nestling
in a bed of leaves.

she warms my heart,
still beacon bright,
midst autumn light.

autumn landscape

long shadows
warm autumn sun
paints landscape
leaf rust

9 thoughts on “Images of November : in southwest France

  1. Your words were beautiful in their explaining how nature makes you feel: marigolds acting like beacons bright and cheery. The shadows and sun light, making the landscape “leaf rust gold.” Pure magic, V.

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