Gay Springtime

It was delightful to see the Geese and Hens pecking around amongst the most  beautiful field of Daisies, enjoying a gay Springtime. The curious Donkey looking on was amusing..

The Donkey watches…
L’Ane, il regarde…

While crass Geese forget their quarrels,
Alors que les Oies oublient leurs querelles

And the Hens are happy among the Daises,
Et les Poules sont heureuse dans les Marguerites

Because Springtime is gay.
Parce que le Printemps est joyeux.

6 thoughts on “Gay Springtime

  1. Oh Canada: we are just getting rid of our snow and the rivers are in flood here in New Brunswick, hence the flood poems. We have had Canada Geese through, on their flight north, but really, oh temps suspends ton vol, until the floods go down and we can all start living again. Blossoms on the grass: lovely. I have seen hens in strange places, moved inland and uphill, away from the rivers roar.

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